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Are SHRED. replacement lenses interchangeable between models?Updated 3 months ago

To ensure proper fit and performance, you must purchase a lens specifically designed for your SHRED. goggle model. For example:

Simplify goggles need a Simplify lens, Amazify goggles need an Amazify lens. You get the idea!

Here is a compatibility guide for older models:
- Stupefy goggles are compatible with Rarify lenses. 
- Tastic goggles are compatible with Wonderfy lenses. 
- Soaza goggles are compatible with Nastify SINGLE lenses only. 

Unfortunately, lenses from other brands or competitors are not compatible with SHRED. goggles and won't fit securely.
For the best experience, always choose the correct SHRED. lens for your frame. If you need assistance finding the right lens, feel free to contact us to [email protected]

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